
8th February 2025


Future Customers and bill payers




In 2024, we heard from young people just how much they appreciated having Session 1 face-to-face, for building relationships and developing skills. With that in mind, we agreed to conduct Session 1 in person at Northern Gas Networks’ Leeds offices.

The core purpose of Session 1 was to bring the YIC together, to encourage them to connect with one another and members of the NGN team, and to think about how we might co-create future sessions.

It is important for the YIC to feel comfortable with one another, and for us all to establish agreed ways of working together over the coming year.

As part of our Stakeholder Engagement process, we wanted to understand the priorities of our YIC. Therefore, the second part of Session 1 was dedicated to exploring which areas of the business are most important to the panel.

Your comments & our responses

Your priorities

There were 5 priorities you felt were most important: Low Bills, Safe Service, Help for those who need, Fair Transition, and Reliable and Resilient.

There is also a desire for us to consider environmental factors in our work.

We will use this information, alongside our customer research, to help us prioritise issues and areas of the business to engage and invest in.

Download our report to find out more


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