Our Citizens Panel is the voice of our customers at Northern Gas Networks. Its aim is to provide a customer perspective, and ensure thoughts and opinions are put at the heart of our decision making through meaningful and relevant engagement with our customers.
Prioritising Commitments
You said that the planet and environmental commitments should be prioritised for delivery over people focused ones.
We will deliver all our commitments but are looking at how we allocate resource over the next five years in line with this feedback.
Specific Commitments
You told us that it should be an industry standard to adapt to climate change, and therefore doesn’t need to be a commitment.
We will be removing this commitment from our People and Planet Strategy when we launch the new version shortly.
Carbon Reduction Targets
You told us that you value accountability in our performance but also had a degree of negativity about offsetting and compensation payments if it detracts away from improvements.
We are now talking toOfgem about what future regulatory controls look like around all carbon reduction targets and have used this to support our conversations.