
6th October 2021


11 Delegates


The purpose of the workshop was to understand stakeholder’s views and priorities around the selection and prioritisation of planting sites for NGN’s 2021 to 2026 tree planting scheme to maximise the benefits delivered.

Specifically, we wanted to discuss the benefits of NGN’s tree planting scheme, how the scheme will be delivered and where the trees will be planted as well as how we will decide which sites to plant the trees.

We wanted to hear what our Stakeholders prioritised, regarding tree planting site selection factors and the benefits of tree planting.

Your comments & our responses

NGN research and approach

You told us that air quality benefits of tree planting are most important to stakeholders, but other factors should be taken into consideration in selection of planting sites, including carbon storage, opportunities for community engagement and biodiversity.

  • We are going to review our tree planting selection methodology for the 2022/23 planting season to see how we can incorporate these other factors into our selection methodology.

Planning our tree planting scheme

It was clear from your feedback that you were supportive of our tree planting scheme, however you said that we should broaden the range and different types of trees planted and include hedgerows. Whilst still having a focus on air pollutant removal, it can increase benefits of the scheme such as carbon storage, noise control and visual screening.

  • We will review the types of “trees” to expand the scope of our planting scheme to include hedgerows in addition to the trees.

Planning our tree planting scheme

Although you thought planting near roads could deliver multiple environmental and social benefits, you mentioned that we needed to be cautious of potential negative impacts on road safety due to the trees blocking lines of sight etc.

  • When designing the scheme and planning near roads, we will ensure that we take into consideration lines of sight for any road users.

Planning our tree planting scheme

You provided an insight into how important it is to stakeholders to ensure that that we avoid single use plastic to maximise the sustainability of the planting scheme.

  • We are going to avoid using single use plastic tree guards where possible via scheme design or use of reusable guards.

Maximising community involvement

You agreed that there are multiple opportunities to work with many different organisations to maximise and share the benefits of this scheme. This included social housing providers, schools, charities, community interest groups, and other businesses. It was noted that our delivery partners (White Rose Forest and HEYwoods) already have well established partnerships to enable this.

  • We will explore all avenues for stakeholders to get involved in the delivery of the planting scheme, including schools and our strategic social partners through community projects. We will also look at targeting our planting in areas of multiple deprivation to maximise benefits of both the planting itself and the community engagement.

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