Young Innovators Council (YIC) is the voice of young people at Northern Gas Networks. Its aim is to provide young people’s perspectives and help ensure young people’s thoughts and opinions are put at the heart of our decision making through meaningful and relevant engagement with our future customers.
Policy Decisions
You asked us which scenario NGN think is most likely.
We are currently agnostic of the scenario, and do not have a view on which scenario is most likely. These will be guided by government energy policy decisions.
Financial Impact
You asked if moving homes onto hydrogen and electricity as their primary sources have a financial impact on communities.
We explained that large scale changes tend to have some sort of financial implication. It is unclear how big or small this impact will be, at this current stage. Government energy policy decisions will provide more information.
Hydrogen Networks
You wanted to know if a hydrogen-based network be reliant on changes within homes and businesses?
We would need to upgrade appliances in homes. This is something that has been produced now but is not yet readily available to buy. The transition should be made easier with hydrogen ready appliances when they are available.
of attendees said that they would choose fuel of the future if they had to choose one of the 5 scenarios for NGN to focus on in the next few years. This was followed by 28% hybrid deployment, 4% targeted deployment and 4% death of domestic gas.