
1st May 2024


Future Customers and bill payers




During this session, we wanted to help to clarify the net zero future and NGN’s potential role within it, for the YIC members, and to understand the YIC’s perspectives on NGN’s priorities for future energy in GD3.

Your comments & our responses

The Net Zero Agenda

You said that taking a pragmatic approach until key governmental energy strategies are decided is reasonable, but made it very clear that NGN has a key role in driving forward the net zero agenda by partnering with other organisations around research and development of new technologies, educating around net zero, continuing to develop low carbon alternatives to natural gas and leading by example in the move towards net zero.

We agree with your points and understand that you think NGN should be more ambitious. We are now working to triangulate this engagement with insights gathered from our other stakeholder groups, and this will help us to shape our business plan, as well as our future focus and direction.

Download our report to find out more


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