
27th May 2022


charity, 3rd sector agencies, community, faith and local interest groups, consumer groups health and service providers local government


50+ Delegates


We wanted our NGN Open Day to provide an opportunity to network face to face, and to catch up on some of the innovation projects and work, that we have been progressing over the last year, to support customers in vulnerable situations. It was also a chance for our stakeholders to meet up in person, with some of the wider NGN team and learn about what else is going on within the business.

The day included:
• Showcasing VCMA and Innovation projects
• NGN stall showing the services we offer such as a Well Being Hub and iBenefits
• NGN H21 team / future energy stand
• Making Every Contact Count (MECC) stand – how we’re doing in supporting customers and referrals coming through via our emergency response engineers
• Networking lunch

Your comments & our responses


overall satisfaction with the open day event (out of 10)

CO Awareness

The Nurses who attended from BOC, had asked for NGN to carry out a CO awareness session with them.

The NGN Vulnerability Trainer has contacted BOC direct, and they are looking to arrange an online CO Awareness session with respiratory nurses on the 20th of June 2022.

Fuel and Food Poverty

Yorkshire Energy Doctor has spoken with CAN and they will be integrating slow cooker sessions into their new Warm Homes Healthy Children project to connect up fuel and food poverty.

We are facilitating collaborations, and the Yorkshire Energy Doctor is meeting with the Early Help team w/c 11th July 2022 to discuss further.

Vulnerability Mapping Tool

You told us to share the Vulnerability Mapping Tool with Cadent.

Steve Dacre is speaking with the rest of the innovators about joining the NIA project with Cadent.
