To ensure we’re reporting the things that matter to you in terms of safety of our network, test appetite for changes in our approach to gas supplies in multi-occupancy buildings and ensure that support for customers during incidents and loss of supply meets their needs.
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9.2 / 10
Our stakeholders scored us 9.2 out of 10 for overall satisfaction when asked to rate the workshop.
You told us we could be forging better links with local stakeholders if we made use of local resilience forums.
We’re now reaching out across our network to develop these relationships and ensure the right people from our business are playing an active role in these groups.
You told us you want us to be more proactive in letting Councils know when there have been similar outages in our network.
We will commit to proactively contacting Council’s in cases where over 50 customers are due to be unexpectedly interrupted for over 24 hours.
You told us we could be more effectively using community leaders to access customer’s properties, in particular in communities that may be more sensitive to the presence of male engineers.
To address this, we have undertaken further research to understand particular vulnerabilities and communities within our network and the community leaders within those areas. As part of our incident response, we will now integrate proactively working with these community leaders during large scale incidents.
You told us that it’s important to you that our colleagues are there in person for Tactical Control Group meetings during an incident.
During a major incident we must prioritise resources to ensure that the right people are on the ground supporting customers. Wherever possible we will seek to send a representative person to Tactical Control Group meetings, but as a minimum we will dial in where this is not possible.